
This is a static website generator on top of Pandoc and Make with built-in Markdown, Gravhiz and Sequence diagrams support.

Getting started

Install Docker.

  1. Create following folder structure for your website or presentation:

    └── source

    by using this command:

    mkdir -p website/source
    touch website/source/sample.html
  2. Copy and paste this to source/

       svg {
         width: 400px;
     # Hello
     ## Graph
     digraph {
       A -> B
     ## Sequence graph
     seqdiag {
       browser -> webserver [label = "GET /index.html"];
       browser <-- webserver;
  3. Then build:

    cd website
    docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/project nirname/documentary documentary

    Your will find compiled output under docs subfolder. Check the result:

    open docs/sample.html

As simple as that.

Check other examples below.

Build script

To shrink build command create file directly under your website folder and allow its execution:

chmod +x

Put the following code inside:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/project nirname/documentary documentary

Then use ./ command.


So as to continuously update docs during making changes start watcher:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/project nirname/documentary watcher

Add Some Styles

All the *.css files will be automatically included.

Download Github markdown styles, for instance, and put them under source folder. Then build.


If you would like to build reveal.js presentation, install reveal.js first. Do this under website/docs folder:

tar -xzvf master.tar.gz
mv reveal.js-master reveal.js
rm master.tar.gz

Then build presentation:

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/project nirname/documentary documentary TO=revealjs

If you are using watcher:

docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/project nirname/documentary watcher TO=revealjs


Embedded images

To create embedded graph add specific class to a code block. Supported class name must coinside with one of Graphviz extenions: dot neato fdp sfdp twopi circo

Use seqdiag class to build sequence diagramm.

Copy this code to your source/ file:


digraph workflow {
  node [shape="rect" width=1]
  { Markdown, Graphviz, Sequence } -> html

**Sequence diagrams**

seqdiag {
  make; pandoc; tool [label = "graphviz/seqdiag"];
  make -> pandoc         [label = "markdown"];
          pandoc -> tool [label = "graph"];
          pandoc <- tool [label = "svg"];
  make <- pandoc         [label = "html"];
  make ->           tool [label = "graph"];
  make <-           tool [label = "svg"];

Then build:

docker run -v "`pwd`:/project" -it --rm nirname/documentary documentary



workflow markdown markdown html html markdown->html graphviz graphviz graphviz->html seqdiag seqdiag seqdiag->html

Sequence diagrams

blockdiag seqdiag { make; pandoc; tool [label = "graphviz/seqdiag"]; make -> pandoc [label = "markdown"]; pandoc -> tool [label = "graph"]; pandoc <- tool [label = "svg"]; make <- pandoc [label = "html"]; make -> tool [label = "graph"]; make <- tool [label = "svg"]; } make pandoc graphviz/seqdiag markdown graph svg html graph svg

Standalone images

It might be convenient to keep your graph as a separate file in case it is too big for inline usage.

To add external graph, create file with extension that reflects type of graph you would like to get. For example, create formats.neato.

touch source/formats.svg

Copy and paste this to formats.neato:

digraph Layouts {
  node [shape="plaintext"]
  edge [len=1.1]
  graphviz -> { dot neato fdp sfdp twopi circo }
  blockdiag -> { seqdiag } [len=1.5]

Paste following code to your source/

![Supported Formats](formats.neato)


Supported Formats

Layout of the image will be derived automatically by source file extension. formats.neato will be converted to formats.neato.svg and all the links to it will be automatically changed in resulting HTML as well.

So as to change layout of the graph change source file extension, e.g. formats.circo. Don’t forget to change link to the graph to ![Supported Formats](formats.circo.svg).

Local installation

Clone this project and remove .git folder:

git clone && cd documentary && rm -rf .git

… or download it.

Install the requirements as follows.



apt-get install build-essential pandoc graphviz
pip install pandocfilters seqdiag


brew install build-essential pandoc graphviz
pip install pandocfilters seqdiag

Use sudo if needed.

Put some *.md, *.css and *.dot files under source/ folder, run:


Everything compiled will be under docs/ folder.

To serve your docs via website run:

make serve

and open localhost:8000 in your browser.

To watch changes automatically run:

make watch

in antoher terminal.

To remove docs folder completely, run:

make clean

This is equal to rm -rf docs/*